What's the point of this blog!

I'm documenting the marketing for my YA book series "The chick friends rules". I want to see which marketing strategies will work best in creating buzz and hopefully income. So, sign up below and take the journey with me.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Paying for an ad...should I? shouldn't I?

I've made tremendous strides with Girls Life magazine and I'm close to a deal that would put the books in both their online magazine and their hard copy for a couple of months, plus they agree to add a Facebook and twitter campaign to sweeten the deal. Sent junior year off for editing, mailed off a giveaway to a delightful girl in Ky and sent off a Kindle version. What a difference a day makes. Last night I was feeling overwhelmed and wondering if its worth it. Now I realize they're are going to be good days and bad in the world of marketing. I'm working on the book jacket description for junior year and have a case of writers block. Still shooting for that end of the year deadline.

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